
Legal Disclaimers

版权所有©2024球道独立抵押公司. NMLS#2289. 4750 S. Biltmore Lane, Madison, WI 53718, 1-866-912-4800. All rights reserved. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. 信息、价格和项目如有更改,恕不另行通知. 所有产品均以信用和物业审批为准. 不是所有的产品都在所有的州或所有的美元金额可用. Other restrictions and limitations may apply. Fairway is not affiliated with any government agencies. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Text Section

球道需要披露以下许可信息. AZ License #BK-0904162; CA: Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act, License No 41DBO-78367. 由金融保护和创新部门根据加州融资法授权, NMLS #2289. 根据加州住宅抵押贷款法案许可证发放或安排的贷款.; Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #21158; For licensing information, go to:; MA Mortgage Broker and Lender License #MC2289; NV: Licensed Nevada Mortgage Lender; NJ: Licensed by the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance; NY: Licensed Mortgage Banker-NYS Department of Financial Services; Rhode Island Licensed Broker & Lender; VA: Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation NMLS Entity ID #2289 (;

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Reverse Mortgages

Fairway is not affiliated with any government agencies. 这些材料不是来自HUD或FHA,也不是由HUD或政府机构批准的. 反向抵押贷款借款人必须通过与hud批准的机构进行咨询会议来获得资格证书. Youngest borrower must be at least 62 years old. 你每月的反向抵押贷款预支可能会影响你申请其他项目的资格. 在订立反向抵押贷款合同的期限内, 作为反向抵押贷款标的的房产的部分或全部权益不再属于你,你可能需要出售或转让该房产,以偿还反向抵押贷款的收益和你资产的利息. We will charge an origination fee, a mortgage insurance premium, closing costs or servicing fees for the reverse mortgage, 我们将把所有或其中任何一个加到反向抵押贷款的余额中. 反向抵押贷款的余额随着时间的推移而增长,未偿还贷款余额将收取利息. 在您出售或转让该房产之前,您保留对该房产的所有权,因此您有责任支付房产税, insurance, and maintenance and related taxes. 未能支付这些金额可能会导致反向抵押贷款立即到期,并可能使财产成为税收留置权或其他负担,或可能丧失抵押品赎回权. 在您偿还全部或部分反向抵押贷款之前,反向抵押贷款的利息不能抵扣到您的所得税申报表中. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify.

以上资料、价格及计划如有更改,恕不另行通知. 所有产品均以信用和物业审批为准. Other restrictions and limitations may apply. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Texas Consumer Complaint & Recovery Fund Notice


希望对威尼斯人博彩家或持牌威尼斯人博彩家提出投诉的消费者应填写并将投诉表格发送到德克萨斯州储蓄和抵押贷款部门, 2601 North Lamar, Suite 201, Austin, Texas 78705. 投诉表格及指示可从本署网页(网址 免费消费者热线电话:1-877-276-5550.

本署设有追讨基金,以支付借款人因持牌按揭银行及住宅按揭贷款发放人的行为而遭受的若干实际自付损失. 向追讨基金申请发还款项的书面申请,必须在发还款项前送交本署,并由本署进行调查. 有关追偿基金的详情,请浏览本署网页

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